Monday, February 23, 2009

Take me out to the ball game!!!

Cameron is back to baseball again, already!! He plays little league and a tournament team as well. These little guys are some go getters!! Our first tournament over president's day weekend didn't go so well, but they play with so much heart. I have to say, watching this age play like they do is so much fun for me I just love it. Tournament ball is so competitive. We are hoping to take these boys to Cooperstown, NY next year. Anyhoo, there they are the Red Dirt Boys for '09.


Ricki said... better look into DIXIE DIRECT for next year if you are going to make a trip like that! :) Sounds expensive! I can't beleive how grown up he is getting! Seriously! Where did the little boy go that was crawling around the parking lot of our apartments?!!! Tell him I said he needs to stop this growing up crap!