Friday, March 27, 2009


As all of you Twilight lovers are aware, the movie is now out on DVD. Baylie read the books and loved the movie so I bought it for her. Cameron was dying to see it. I watched and thought it was a little on the cheesy side and figured what harm could it do to let him watch. Honestly I thought he would watch a little bit and then be off doing something else. He watched the whole thing and afterwards didn't say one word. That night Marty ended up in Cameron's bed and Cam slept with me because the vampires kind of freaked him out. When I woke up the next morning there were plastic cereal bowls around my bed and on the nightstand with cloves of garlic in each one! I'm not sure where he learned that garlic would save us from the vampires but for the last week he will not go to bed without his garlic! Oh what would we ever do without that kid?


Ricki said...

Wow! What has he been watching to teach him so much about Vampires?!!! That is hilarious! Apparently I won't be letting my girls watch that movie anytime soon if Cameron got freaked out by it, my Kamren and crew wouldn't sleep for weeks!

Whitney said...

Too funny! I never did get into the whole Twilight thing myself ... haven't even read any books. I did see the movie and I thought it was alright as well. I would think the books would be way better than the movie? Did Baylie think so? My niece definitely did.

Kristin said...

Ha! That is too cute. I loved the books too, but the movie was definitely cheezy!! I can't wait to see the next one. Hopefully with more money they can up the quality.

See you tomorrow night!!